If you own a small business that provides services to clients, Craigslist is a huge market filled with potential for gaining new clients. One common mistake however is not taking advantage of the formatting and image slider provided by Craigslist to help you convey to the visitor you are the right choice for them.
Having a post that is optimized to take full advantage of this service is crucial not only for maximizing the number of views your post receives but also for motivating the visitor to make the call versus going on to view one of your competitors.
Don’t let the opportunity slip past you by losing out on the maximum potential this website has to offer. Our post-optimization service is custom-tailored to each profession and highlights not only the services you offer but also the keywords crucial to ensuring high placement on their search feature.
For the fee listed, our completed work (image design / HTML formatted content) can be reused over and over on as many listings as you like. If you’re ready to uncover new opportunities online, we are ready to help.
Design Size: 1200×900 (pixels)
Design Size: 12.5″ x 9.3″ (Inches)
Color Adjustments Allowed: Yes
Formatting Adjustments Allowed: Yes
Delivery Options: Email (1 image design / 1 text formatted document)
Delivery Image Format: .JPG / .PNG
Delivery HTML Format: Standard text document. Copy/Paste into Craigslist to use and reuse.
Delivery Time: 2-3 Business Days