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WordPress Website Speedup Service



Decrease your website’s bounce rate and gain more leads by ensuring your website loads for visitors quickly. Our WordPress website speedup service reduces the time it takes for your pages to load.

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A ranking factor with search engines is how fast your website loads for mobile and desktop users. If your website is taking too long to load the page, you will not only miss out on better positioning with search engines, but you will see a greater bounce rate with visitors that do make it to your website.

There are many factors that can cause slow load times on a WordPress website from poor server speed, configuration problems, plugin bloat, poor plugin selections, oversized images, and many more.

For nearly a decade we have been helping clients achieve better load times on their WordPress websites and utilize a multi-tiered approach when it comes to optimization. Our efforts will shave off seconds from page load times to ensure your visitors have a better user experience and search engines take note of your improvements.

If you are serious about improving your website’s standing in search results and gaining additional leads for your business, we are here to help.

Service Provided: Review and adjustments to hosting environment.
Service Provided: Review and adjustments to WordPress, plugins and page content as needed.
Service Provided: Pre-optimization benchmark and after-optimization benchmark report so you can see the time savings for yourself.
Service Delivery Time: 2-4 Business days.

We Will Require: User name and password for WordPress. User name and password for your hosting Cpanel.